Well, to say I had an interesting weekend would be like saying Hitler is a little evil. As I'm not one to kiss and tell, and it would also take WAY too long to describe everything that happened this weekend, I'm going to sum things up with a few quotes from my time spent in Wichita, KS.
"When this guy talks man, I'm just like, whoa, and I listen"
"Ah, leave him alone, he's just eager."
"I think he's partially retarded!"
"I can't fight him, that's my reflection. You're damn handsome."
"Prophet, I would fight you, but I don't condone black-on-black crime."
"Never send a boy to do a man's job."
"I came in here to steal your coffee."
Well, that's about everything I can remember. Anybody who was there, feel free to enlighten as to how much of a jackass I actually was.
On a serious note, my condolences go out to Indian Summer, who recently passed away. We'll miss you, brother.
Fargo Struts RULE,
Kenny Campbell, S.T.O.W.T.