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Steel Rage Pro Wrestling
Cool little indy here in OK.  My good friend, Anarchy got me in.

The Official Home of XCALMANIA
The GEN-RIZZLE of the Shooter's Club.  His site's always got some cool stories and what-have-you.  Go check it out, NOW!

"Bad" Brad Michaels
The man from Bad Street, USA.  If you ask me, he should be from Whine Until You Put A Link Up Street, BRAZIL

Brandon Groom and Summer Rain
Brandon and Summer are an INCREDIBLY JACKED couple who have worked almost everywhere. Check them out.

Asylum Championship Wrestling
Based in Wichita Falls, TX. It's... colorful.

Big Money / Honey Christopher Matthews
Chris Matthews = Class Act. He likes Muta. I like Muta. We like Muta.

Professional Championship Wrestling
Another company in Texas. They = Awesome.

Oklahoma Wrestling Fan Resource Center
Lots of interesting facts and stuff related to Oklahoma indy wrestling, managed by Steve, the guy who did the home page graphic on here.

"Cool Hand" Luc LaPointe
One of my partners in crime in SRPW.  He's kind of like a well-fed Jesus, only without the religion...

Martial Arts Central
Check this place out if you ever need any martial arts supplies. Good site run by good people, yo!

Cade Sydal
My other running buddy at SRPW.  He's missing teeth because of me.  For some reason, that's cool.

Justin Lee
Go watch Tornado Vision

"Champagne" Tony Morales
Cool guy from Colorado.  Go check the site.